What do we do ?
We design and build high performance dilution refrigerator systems capable of reaching temperatures below 10mK.
Our range of products includes HEXA-DRY (cryogen-free dilution refrigerators) and HEXA-WET (liquid helium dilution refrigerators). Beside these standard models, CryoConcept engineering welcomes special customer requests.
Our objective is to allow our user to reach temperatures near absolute zero with their own specifications.

Our History and who we are
Since 2001 CryoConcept designs and builds Ultra Low Temperature dilution refrigerators dedicated to fundamental research in Physics.
CryoConcept is a spin-off of the SPEC laboratory part of IRAMIS CEA. CryoConcept headquarters and facilities are located in France, Courtaboeuf near Paris.
More than 120 of our systems are currently used worldwide in many domains like nanoscience, dark matter, condensed matter, quantum physics or quantum computing. Our experience in these different fields allows us to develop high available and reliable systems, with some installations running continuously during 1 year without shutdown.
With the ever-growing popularity of the dry technology, CryoConcept developed the Ultra Quiet Technology™ (UQT), allowing the vibrations of the whole cryostat to be reduced considerably in continuous mode. Thanks to this technology, the HEXA-DRY UQT Bolometry is today the world reference for dark matter research. This technology also provides a highly stable environment for quantum Bits or condensed matter measurements.
Since 2020, CryoConcept is part of Air Liquide Group, which enables CryoConcept to benefit from a large expertise in cryogenics and R&D. This allows us to push back the technological boundaries to create solutions with more power and a better thermal efficiency.
On top of that, this union will accelerate the development of CryoConcept’s activities. As an industrial expert, Air Liquide, fosters our industrialization to push the reliability and availability of our systems even further.
Expert in extreme cryogenics for 60 years, Air Liquide designs and supplies its customers with systems for cold production, liquefaction, storage and distribution of cryogenic fluids, for applications in fields of scientific research, such as the ITER project, and in the aerospace and space fields, such as the Herschel and Planck satellites, or the Melfi space exploration program aboard the International Space Station.